This instance of LAPIS supports the following sequence filters:
Name | Type | Description |
primaryKey | string (primary key) | |
date | date | |
dateFrom | date | filtering the "date" column (including the boundary) |
dateTo | date | filtering the "date" column (including the boundary) |
region | string | |
country | string | |
pangoLineage | pango_lineage | See Pango lineage query |
division | string | |
age | int | |
ageFrom | int | filtering the "age" column (including the boundary) |
ageTo | int | filtering the "age" column (including the boundary) |
qc_value | float | |
qc_valueFrom | float | filtering the "qc_value" column (including the boundary) |
qc_valueTo | float | filtering the "qc_value" column (including the boundary) |
test_boolean_column | boolean | |
nucleotideMutations | list of strings | See mutation filters |
aminoAcidMutations | list of strings | See mutation filters |
nucleotideInsertions | list of strings | In the format ins_<position>:<insertion>. Example: ins_100:AGG |
aminoAcidInsertions | list of strings | In the format ins_<sequenceName>:<position>:<insertion>. Example: ins_E:100:DEF |