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This instance of LAPIS supports the following sequence filters:

Name Type Description
primaryKey string (primary key)
date date
dateFrom date filtering the "date" column (including the boundary)
dateTo date filtering the "date" column (including the boundary)
region string
country string
pangoLineage pango_lineage See Pango lineage query
division string
age int
ageFrom int filtering the "age" column (including the boundary)
ageTo int filtering the "age" column (including the boundary)
qc_value float
qc_valueFrom float filtering the "qc_value" column (including the boundary)
qc_valueTo float filtering the "qc_value" column (including the boundary)
test_boolean_column boolean
nucleotideMutations list of strings See mutation filters
aminoAcidMutations list of strings See mutation filters
nucleotideInsertions list of strings In the format ins_<position>:<insertion>. Example: ins_100:AGG
aminoAcidInsertions list of strings In the format ins_<sequenceName>:<position>:<insertion>. Example: ins_E:100:DEF